Mere, I think we'll just have to agree to differ. smile

You see (and forgive me if I've understood you wrongly) Relationship and Drama as complimentary opposites, ie Relationship's strength is its B-plot, and Drama's is its A-plot. In a Venn diagram, they'd probably be overlapping circles. I, conversely, see them as two unrelated categories; one celebrates the Relationship aspect of a story, and the other celebrates the mix of humour, angst, relationship development, etc, which when put together, make a good drama. In my Venn diagram, they'd be two separate circles - or perhaps the Relationship circle would even be inside the Drama circle.

As I say, differing opinions, and I don't think we'll ever manage to agree - we both think we're right. laugh

Yvonne smile

PS: ML, you have stories which haven't been posted??? You do know that was a dangerous thing to admit to, don't you? I see fans tooling up with disks and USB keys and password-breaking programs as we speak...