Yvonne wrote:
...it's not that we don't like A plots. It's just that a lot of us feel very ill-equipped to write them, and we're actually very jealous of people...who can craft a complex and convincing 'villain' plot.
Ha! Tell me about it. I have this poor fic sitting on my hard drive, which is has the B-plot entirely worked out and has run into trouble for lack of an A-plot to tie it together. I second that bit about being jealous -- I am truly in awe of writers who can craft a good A-plot. (Speaking of which, does anyone know what has become of Shayne Terry?)

In fact, the stories that make me really sit up and take notice are the ones with a good balance of A-plot and B-plot, such as Yvonne's "Damaged" (which is heavy on the B-plot, certainly, but still has a wonderful A-plot so our favourite characters have a problem to solve together), Wendy's "When Larry Met Charlie", and Nan's "Four Days to Nightfall" -- just for example.

Now, since we evil fanfic writers just lurve to pour on the angst, how about a category for "Best Kryptonite Story"? evil

JM laugh

"Some prices are just too high, no matter how much you may want the prize. The one thing you can't trade for your heart's desire is your heart."
--Lois McMaster Bujold, "Memory", 1996