Actually, I guess for me there are two different forces at work here. I write because I get an idea (from a variety of sourses, the Kerth's being only one of them) and I have to find out how the story is going to end. So I write.

But I write a lot of stories which have never, and will never be posted. A couple of those stories have even gone to my Beta readers before I decided not to post. A lot more have never even been sent to my Beta readers.

I have to do a lot of extra work after a story is written to make it suitable for others. I spend hundreds of hours on editing a story before I even send it to my Beta readers. And I usually don't bother doing that if I'm not sure that people will want to read it.

I'm only commenting on it because if I find myself reluctant to post, then others probably do as well. And I'd hate to have people not posting because they think that people only want relationship driven stories.

Perhaps the way to deal with it is by having Best Drama - A Plot Driven and Best Drama - Relationship Driven. And then get rid of the Relationship category all together. Just an idea.

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane