Ooh, another easy one, and a big clue in the quote indeed! Nan's Four Days to Midnight

Okay, here's a more light-hearted moment from a wonderful angst-ridden story...

Lois heard a knock at the door just as the water in the shower began running. She certainly wasn't expecting anyone. Looking through the peephole, she could see her editor standing in the hallway, a troubled look on his face. She unbolted and then opened the door part way.

"Lois, honey, I tried calling your cell phone last night and I left a couple of messages on your machine. Are you okay? Is everything all right?" Perry stepped into the entryway of her apartment.

"Everything's fine, Perry," she replied, nervously tucking a strand of still dripping wet hair behind her ear. She glanced around the room surreptitiously. What were the chances that Perry wouldn't notice the garment bag right by the door, or the men's and women's clothing that led from the living room to her bedroom like a very incriminating trail of breadcrumbs? 'Just stay in the bathroom, Clark' she thought. This was awkward enough as it was. She realized just then that the water wasn't running anymore. Did Clark take ten second showers?

It didn't matter which of the many clues Perry picked up on. His slightly embarrassed frown and arched brow were clear enough. "I'm sorry to just barge in on you," he apologized. "I just wanted to make sure that you were okay..."

"Lois, I..." Clark walked into the room, wearing nothing except a towel. He saw Perry and stopped suddenly, backing up and hitting the doorframe. The look on his face was a combination of 'caught sneaking in after curfew' and 'busted by the principal, smoking in the boys' room.'

The you-know-what had hit the proverbial fan.

Clark's reaction almost made the sheer mortification she felt worthwhile. She bit her lip, certain she was turning red with embarrassment. This probably looked even worse than it actually was. She had clearly just stepped out of the shower, as had Clark. Could two 'normal' people shower consecutively that fast? Barring that conclusion, what would Perry think of the fact that the two of them had gone from not having spoken to each other in half a year to the point where Clark was comfortable enough walking around in Lois's apartment wearing nothing but a towel in just twelve hours?

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5