This is the sweet "By firelight" by AnnieM, I had to google for it, I didn't remember the title, but I remembered the story in general!

Okay, now for the "awwww" part:

"Lois, you've got to quit focusing on what we can't have" said Clark.

"What do you mean?"

"Last night was incredible. Holding you, kissing you... Do you have any idea what you do for me?" He paused for a moent. "How am I going to get you to understand? God, Lois, last night... There is more than one way to make love." He placed a hand under her chin an tiltled her head up to look in her eyes. "Do you understand me? Instead of focusing on what we can't have, think about what we can have. How can you turn your back on that? How can you turn your back on me?"
simona smile