Amazing, I recognize another one! <g> Well, as Sara pointed out, it isn't really that amazing when I guessed this story on one of the other threads already, but let me revel in this temporary spotlight. <g>

This one is Kathy and Demi's When Friends Become Lovers . smile

Here's your new coochie:

The slam of the door brought her gaze back to Clark, who
was still lying propped up on his side beside her, facing
her. He was watching her, and the look in his eyes was
wary, as if he was worried about what she might say. And
yet behind the wariness was something else... something
she'd thought she'd seen in her partner's eyes once before.
Something which told her that the kiss hadn't entirely been
an act on Clark's part...

And, watching the way his beautiful brown eyes were
regarding her, the way they had darkened with suppressed
desire, Lois felt another shudder run through her.
Mesmerised by his gaze, she realised that she wanted him to
kiss her again, this time for real...


She wasn't mad at him... in fact, she was looking at him as
if she was stunned, and there was a vulnerable look in her
eyes which made his heart turn over. Clark had known that
his coolly efficient partner had a vulnerable side, but
seeing it laid bare like this, and in these circumstances,
made him want to enfold her in his arms and tell her how
much he loved her.

Then her expression changed, and their gazes met and held
as what felt like an electrical charge went through both of
them, connecting them to each other.

Slowly, holding his breath as he did so, Clark lowered his
head again until his lips covered hers.
Guess away! Good luck!

Julie cool

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)