Oh dear!

EDIT - Hrumph..I couldn't find the one I wanted so I'll go with this:
Clark nodded solemnly as he listened to Lois launch into
full babble mode.

"And, you know, just because I can't stop thinking about
you doesn't mean that it would be a good idea to get
together ... with us working together and all--"

Completely unable to fight the urge to hold her any longer,
Clark tentatively wrapped his arms around her waist, and he
felt his heart skip a beat when Lois automatically raised
her arms to circle his neck.

"Plus the fact that I was supposed to get married to
someone else two weeks ago, and I don't want people to
think that you're just a rebound guy, even though I said
'no' at the altar -- not that anyone but me heard it, but I
*did* -- because I realized that if I was thinking of *you*
the entire time I was walking up the aisle instead of Lex -
- not even Superman, who I *thought* I was in love with,
but *you*! -- that I was most definitely with the wrong

Clark couldn't help but gasp in surprise, cutting her off
in mid-stream. "You were thinking of *me* instead of

"Yeah," Lois admitted with a sigh. Then she added ruefully,
"It was kind of my first clue that I was pursuing the wrong

"Wow," Clark whispered, staring into her eyes. "Lois,
that's ... that's ... wow."

Lois blushed at the sincerity in his voice. "So ... what
happens now?" she asked in a little voice.

"Now ... I think we go somewhere we can really talk."

"Oh," she whispered in surprise, her gaze flickering to his
lips before moving back to his eyes. "I thought maybe now
you would kiss me."

A tender smile spreading across his face, Clark lifted a
hand to cup her cheek. "God, Lois, I thought you would
never ask."

And as he lowered his mouth to hers, tasting the sweetness
of her lips and reveling in the feel of her arms tightening
around his neck, Clark knew that, indeed, his world had
changed forever.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.