Awwww! I know this story! It's the wonderful "into each life" by Kathy Brown! Loved it!

Now, for the "funny" part:

"Hello? Clark's pay phone. Mrs. Clark speaking," she giggled.

"Excuse me? Who is this?"

"This is Mrs. Clark. You know, Clark's wife. Who's this?"

"Clark's mother. Last night he didn't have a wife. Who are you and where is my son?"

"Actually, we got married last night. Very sudden. We would have invited you, but..."

A noise behind her startled, and she turned around with an alarmed expression. Surely Clark couldn't have dressed so quickly! He couldn't possibly coming out wearing less than that towel, could he? Though the possibilities were enticing, they didn't have time for that right now and she was on the phone with his mother.

Clark emerged from the bathroom, neatly dressed in his usual suit and tie. She gasped, wondering how on earth he had dressed so quickly, and then shook her head. Clark checked his zipper, wondering what she was staring at. "Who is it, sweetheart?" he asked as he leaned over to plant a kiss on her lips but was stopped by a hand on his chest.

"your mom," she hissed.

He grabbed the phone. "Mom, how are you? I was getting ready to call." He looked over at Lois and mouthed, "Did you tell her?"

Lois nodded guilty. Clark looked up at the ceiling as if in silent prayer. "no, Mom, I'm okay. Really I am. Married? Yes, actually I am. I would have called you but it was so sudden. Who? Well, you remember me telling about Lois? The girl I met in D.C. and that I was pretty sure that Lois Lane was her? Well, that's who I married. No, we haven't had a chace to talk about all of that yet. Dad? Everything is fine, really. No, I haven't told her yet. We haven't had a chance to really talk things out. No, I don't know where we are going to live. I know, Dad, like a frog. I've heard it a million times. Yes, I'll bring her out to meet you soon. No, probably not tonight. I mean, how could we get there so fast? It would cost an arm and a leg to get plane tickets on such short notice. No, I don't think that it's a good idea for you come here. Where would you stay? We don't even a place of our own yet. And my sister-in-law," Lois smiled at that remark, "is staying at Lois'apartment right now. Look, Mom, Dad, I gotta go. We're already late for work and Perry's sure to fire me at least. No, we aren't taking any time off just yet. I'm sure he would give us the time, but he doesn't know yet. You're the only people who know. Except fot the three people at the wedding. I don't even know if Lois told the clerk at the hotel when we checked in last night. No, not this hotel. Give me a little credit, Mom. We stayed downtown. Now, I really have to go. I'll call you later. I loveyou, too.Bye."
A little long, but it's so funny! The "Last night he didn't have a wife" and the "like a frog" thrown there like a bone to his poor worried daddy!

Simona smile