I know this one!!!

Tea Totaled

I hope this qualify as WAFFY wink

"Okay, you two, let's just calm down. Now Clark." She waited
until she had the young man's attention. "Let's go back to
something you just said. You said this man wasn't good enough
for Lois. Why do you think that? What has this man done to make
you think he's not good enough for her?"

"Well, for one, he doesn't treat her like she deserves to be
treated," he exclaimed adamantly. "He wants her to come to work
for his broadcast station--"

"He didn't say that he 'wants me to,' he just suggested it!"
Lois objected. But when Dr. Jenkins shot her a look, Lois
retreated into silence.

Dr. Jenkins nodded at Clark. "Go on."

Clark felt the muscle in his jaw twitch, a sure sign that he
was getting upset. So he forced himself to take a deep breath
before continuing. "For one, he doesn't know Lois like I do,"
he began firmly, trying to avoid looking at Lois as he spoke.
"He might think a job at his broadcast station would be good
for her, but it wouldn't be. He'd be dragging her away from all
her friends, from our editor, who I know is like a father to
her, and taking her away from the thrill of the hunt, which is
what I know Lois likes best about investigative journalism."

He paused for breath and then rushed on. "And if that weren't
enough, I hate the way he treats her like she's some prize to
be won, some pawn in a chess game. Instead of realizing how
wonderful and truly unique she is, he's just the type of guy
who'll want her to stand quietly next to him at his precious
charity balls, hanging on his arm like some Barbie doll trophy!
And he's always taking her to operas and parties with all his
famous acquaintances, which I bet she pretends to like, even
though I'm sure she'd much rather enjoy a night in with a pizza
and a video, with a man who's willing to listen to her and hold
her and tell her how much he loves her."

At his words, Lois unintentionally drew in a sharp breath, and
her heart began to pound. Even though Clark wasn't looking at
her, she knew exactly who he was talking about. But she was
sure he had no idea how much his words affected her, caused her
eyes to tear up and her heart to swell. For a moment, she
couldn't figure out why his words had affected her so much,

In that instant, it all became clear. She loved Clark. Had
probably loved him for a long time now. She loved his patience,
his kindness, the way he conveyed his love for her in so many
ways, instead of simply telling her, as Lex did. He always made
sure to pick her favorite chocolate donut out of the box for
her in the morning at the Planet before it could be taken by
someone else, and brought her coffee just the way she liked it.
'I doubt Lex even knows or cares about how I take my coffee,'
she realized.
Jose smile1

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot