This is the lovely "Let it snow forever" by Alicia U.!

And now another story I love:

A voice woke him again, a voice so close to him that Clark seemed
almost able to touch it. He opened his eyes and turned toward the

"Don't go ... please ... don't go away ... " Lois was dreaming, and
in her dream she was speaking. He stayed immobile and listened to
that voice. So much longing, so much yearning. Her tone was so sad
and so sweet in the same moment, what he wouldn't give just to have
those words be for him? Unable to move for fear of waking her he lay
still and listened to her, then suddenly ... unexpectedly, "Clark ...
don't go away..." Instinctively Clark's arms tightened around her,
just to make her feel his presence, a gesture which made her stop

He was breathless for a long while, with such emotions as these he
simply forgot to breathe. How long he had waited to hear that voice.
How many times had he dreamed about hearing *his* Lois calling his
name. And now she was in his arms. He couldn't believe it. His heart
was racing wildly. Lois stretched in his arms, she opened her eyes
and looked at him. Clark smiled and she grinned back. Lois' head was
resting on his chest and his rapid heartbeat had woken her up. How
ironic, he was the one who was grounded to her heartbeat to be able
to know how and what she was feeling. Everything was all right, he
was calm now. She leaned her head back down to his chest and fell
back to sleep. Clark smiled, caressing her long hair.
It's up to you, guys! wink

Simona smile