So, we were chatting about quizzes on IRC, and I said that there should be a "Coochie Quiz" for WAFFy or funny moments (as in "Coochie-coochie-coo") just because I liked the title. I was immediately elected to go post it. I refused to do so, on the grounds that I don't really participate in these things (my memory's always been much more oriented towards concepts and feelings than details). As you can see, though, I was finally persuaded to do it. Okay, fine, it just took a few gentle nudges and a span of time with nothing better to do, but don't let that get around. I don't want a reputation as a complete pushover... wink

So, this quiz is for a bunch of stuff. WAFFy moments, funny moments... whatever little moments tickled your fancy. Things that brought a smile to your face, for whatever reason.

So, I just went browsing the archive, and found one to start us off. Let's have some fun. smile

Clark just looked at her for a moment before he began to
chuckle. "You really are crazy, you know that? I can't
believe you did that just because you couldn't take the
fact that I wasn't attracted to you."

Her mouth hung open, stunned at his reaction. He was
*laughing* at her now! Did this man have no sense
whatsoever? He'd been her partner for months now, and he
had yet to learn that he couldn't laugh at Lois and live to
tell about it? How was that possible?

Dumbstruck, she replayed his last sentence in her head.
Even after that kiss, he still wasn't agreeing that he
found her attractive? "How many times do I have to kiss
you before you finally admit it?" she practically shouted
at him, beyond frustrated. She waved an agitated hand in
the space between their bodies. "For Pete's sake, Clark,
amazing kisses like that don't happen every day! People
don't kiss like that unless they are *incredibly*, utterly
and totally, tear-each-other's-clothes-off attracted to one

At that moment, a complete silence fell between them, and
even the sounds of the world outside -- people bustling in
the streets, the roar of the car engines as they whizzed
past -- faded and became muted in the wake of her outburst.
Neither partner moved as the meaning of her words descended
upon them and lingered in the tiny interior of the Jeep --
a space that suddenly seemed more confined than before,
filled now with the tension of confession. It *had* been
an incredible kiss. She'd spoken the words, given them
life and made them real.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.