smile1 Rapture In Metropolis by Wendy Richards and Kaethel.

Next one! smile

Clark turned back to Lois. "There was a train accident tonight. I heard about it on the neighbor's radio after you fell asleep. I didn't have a choice. I had to go." He turned off the television and returned to where he had been
sitting on the coffee table. "The reason I smell of fresh soap is that I got covered with grease while I was helping out at the train accident. I stopped by my folks' place to clean up before coming home. There is no other woman, Lois. There never has been."

Lois found that although her mind was racing, it was going in circles. He was Superman. She was married to Superman. But Superman had rejected her. It made no sense. Clark reaching out to touch her hand snapped her out of her thoughts. She jerked away. It registered in the back of her
mind that he looked hurt, but right now she didn't care.

"How dare you?" she finally hissed, her voice so low that it was almost indistinguishable to an ordinary human. "You.... We... What did... God, Clark... Or whoever the hell you are. I don't even know you anymore," she concluded in agony, staring at him as if he were a stranger.
Tricia cool