That first line gave it away immediately. wink Judith Tylke's terrific Forever Obsessed!

And here's another cluechie...

He sighed again. "Aren't you going to tell me what you're thinking?"

"What I'm thinking?" she asked, the calm in her voice frightening Clark. "What I'm thinking?" She practically bit off the last words. She spun around, her back to Clark, and stuffed her fists into her pockets.


"What am I thinking, Clark? I'm could you? How could you let me think you were dead?"

"Lois, I had no choice. I was dead...Clark was dead. If I didn't have any way to come back to Metropolis as myself, you might as well have believed I was dead. The truth would be crueler."

"The truth would be the truth, Clark! I'd want to know! And don't you think I'd rather know that you were alive, even if you could never come back and be my partner again, than think that you were floating in Hobb's Bay with bullets in your chest because of me?"

"Because of you?" He stared at her in surprise. "How could you think it was your fault?"

She turned back around slowly, and Clark's chest
constricted when he saw the tears in her eyes. "Of course it was my fault! I was the one who dragged you to that club. I got you killed...or would have, if you'd actually stayed dead."

Clark reached out a tentative hand to touch her arm. "Lois..."

"No, Clark, let me say this," she said, brushing his hand away.

"Okay," he said softly.

"Clark, when I thought you were dead, I thought about how much I missed you, how much I was going to miss you for the rest of my life... well, I started to think, maybe there's more to our relationship than just friendship."

Clark held his breath, his heart starting to beat louder with anticipation.

"But now, Clark, I find you've been holding back on me. All this time, and you were su-Sup-Super-"

"Superman," he said helpfully.

"Yes! All this time, you were Superman, and you didn't whisper anything to me while I was bending over you, didn't come to tell me the truth afterwards. Oh, no, your precious secret was much more important to you than I am. And that makes me feel like I don't know you."
Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*