Another one that I know instantly... The first L&C fanfic that I ever read, and who knows how many times I've reread it since... Wendy's awesome For the Greater Good

OK, in keeping with the asteroid theme...

"Believe me, Lois, I'm not suicidal, but I am realistic." Clark led her back to the couch and the two of them sat again. "If I should - not - come back, I need you to do some things for me." Clark took a deep breath. "And in order for you to do these favors for me, I have to share a secret that I've been keeping from you... from everyone."

Lois' heart began to hammer. If it weren't for the seriousness of Superman's attitude she'd be thrilled at the prospect of him sharing his secrets with her. As it was, she couldn't completely stifle a spark of excitement.

Clark almost smiled when he saw that he had Lois' rapt attention. He took one last breath before he began his confession. "Superman has only been around for a few months now, but I have been on this planet since I was a baby. I was found and raised as the adopted son of two very wonderful people."

Lois gasped. "What you said to Amy Platt," Lois blurted out, remembering that first time she met Superman. "You said your mother made your suit for you!"

A sardonic smile forced its way onto Clark's face as he joined Lois in the memory. "That's right, I did, and she did." Clark took Lois' hands in his as he captured her eyes with his. "Superman is just a facade. He's a character I created in order to help people and still be able to have something that resembles a normal life. Superman is this larger than life super hero, but me, I'm really just a farmboy from Kansas."

Lois thought her heart was going to stop beating as her lungs forgot how to breath. "You, you mean... " Her mind refused to wrap itself around the obvious that he'd just revealed to her. "You're..."

Superman stood up and stepped a few feet away from the couch. He began his spin. The gaudy suit blurred into a swirl of primary colors, then quickly blended into a more sedate combination of black and tan. When he stopped he was dressed simply in a pair of tan slacks and a black pullover shirt. He slipped on a pair of glasses.

Lois' mouth hung open. "... Clark."
KathyM smile

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5