Yay! I know one...

It's Dimensions of Loving by Chris Mulder smile

One of my favourites...

Ok, so here's my quote...

She felt an odd tingle run up and down her spine and wondered if her reporter's sense had misfired. She regarded him more carefully and decided that it definitely had not. She was experiencing major deja vu. The image of Clark lying on the ground the night before came back to her and she realized why the sight of him without his glasses and with his hair matted down had struck her. She stared at him, hard.

Same chin.

Same nose.

Same ears.

Same mouth.

Same warm, softly pleading, deceptive eyes.

He began to speak but she didn't hear a word he said. She couldn't do anything except stare at his practiced expression. She could see nothing but deceit in his face. Hear nothing but lies in his low, sonorous voice. She wanted to shut him up, tell him that she knew and demand a reason for his lies, but she held her tongue.

"...I don't know what to say. What you did for me, it was incredible. You saved my life. I don't know how I'm supposed to thank you for that."

"Forget it." She casually dismissed his thanks with a shrug. She knew better than to fall for that polished look of earnestness. She had to give him credit, though, he was a damn good liar. He even pretended to be a lousy liar, probably to
deflect suspicion she figured.
(Kinda sorry I got in first, since Chris had a quote already, and I took so long to find this one...)

Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit.

Intelligence is not putting them in a fruit salad.