"No Ordinary Man" by Julie Gibson. Knew this one immediately since I've always thought this one was hilarious.

Here's a quote:

When he came out of the bathroom, he was wearing nothing but a towel.

Lois started. His hair was falling over his face and he looked a lot like
Clark. She'd always known that they resembled each other slightly, but
this was too much. And she HAD seen Clark in a towel before and the view
was much the same.

She shook her head waiting for Superman to notice her, but he didn't. She
saw him spin and when he finished spinning, he was standing there in a pair
of boxers with his hair dry and glasses in his hand. He looked at the
glasses as though trying to decide what to do. He finally set them on the
nightstand and crawled into Clark's bed.

Lois was having difficulty breathing. Once he'd stopped
that spinning thing, he had looked JUST like Clark without the glasses. Not
that she'd ever seen Clark without his glasses.

It was just too much. She waited to hear the even breathing that meant
Clark was asleep, hoping Superman breathed the same way when he was asleep
and not knowing what to make of the whole thing.

She slipped out the front door, being careful not to make any noise.

Lois sat down. There was no real emotion on her face. Just stunned

She knew that Clark and Superman were friends. The whole world knew that.
Well, anyone with any sense anyway. But something just wasn't
right here.

Could Clark be Superman?

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin