Originally posted by Lara Joelle Kent:
#92: Keep Lois away from any kind of blonde. They won't get along. (Linda King, Lana Lang, Tony Taylor, Tony Baines...)
I was just going to add something along the same lines. You also forgot Mayson Drake, Tiffani, (with an "i"), and Penny Barnes. The "Tonys" are actually "Toni" with an 'i' too, otherwise we might have to include "Big Tony" (who I don't think counts as a blonde). wink

Actually, if we include many of the other bad gals: Miranda, Amber Lake, Barbara Travino, Lena Harrison, Gretchen Kelly, Bonnie "Clone" Parker, Claudette and Katherine Wilder, Mindy Church, Lucille Newtrich, Lisa Rockford, Vixen, and that double Arianna Carlin made of Lois was initially blonde too... there's a proportionally large amount of blondes in the mix. Is it recommended to be blonde or to bleach one's hair blonde to be a bad woman in Metropolis?

#93 - Never imply, suggest, or hint that anyone (especially Linda King) is a better reporter than Lois, even if she got scooped. Just accept as fact that there is no one better. Trust me on this.

#94 - Never lie or omit anything from Lois. She'll find out about it sooner or later and you'll be in the doghouse. She's got more spies, informants, and sources than Alice. Plus, she knows guys who know guys.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.