Okies... last one. This is too funny! All Weathered Out

Lois: It's so hot outside!

Scientists: It's Superman's fault!

Judge: Superman, you can't be super anymore.

Mean Super-Villains: Yay! They're buying it, we will rule Metropolis!

Horrible train wreck. Superman saves the day. Temperature rises up, up and... away!

Mayor: Superman, leave Metropolis. Now!

Clark: Goodbye Lois.

Lois: Noooooo! Why? *cries* OMG! Clark? You're Superman!

Clark: Yes. Goodbye Lois.

Mean Super-Villains: Metropolis is ours! Let's drown everyone! *evil laugh*

Supporting cast of characters: It's the Superman Revenge Squad's fault! We will help save Superman! Flash, Aquaman, to the rescue!! Lois, call Superman, we need him back!

Lois: Martha, I know the secret. Tell Clark to come back. It's not his fault and I miss him sooooooo much! *almost cries*


Superman/Clark: You missed me? Really, really? For real and you're not kidding?

Lois: Yes, but go save the city first.


Justice League is born. Heroes save city. Mess is cleaned up.

Lois to Clark: I'm mad at you.

Clark: No you're not. *smooch* Really, seriously, you're so not mad at me. *smooch*

Lois: Ok, I'm not.

Clark: I love you.

Lois: I'm in love with you too.


Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies