Hmm. That one didn't turn out to be very short, did it? Maybe I can do better this time...

Persephone\'s Return

Clark: Jason Mazik wants me to kill you.

Lois: I've got an idea! Have Superman meet me at my place!

A few minutes later, at Lois's apartment:

Superman: OMG! She's dead!

Lois's note: I'm fine. I took a resurrection pill.

Superman: OMG! You're a genius.

Lois's note: P.S. I love Clark.

Superman: W00T!

That night...

Clark: I'm Superman...

The voices in Lois's head: That jerk!

Clark: ... and I love you, too.

The voices: Awww.

Clark: Lois, will you ma --

Lois: Clark, we haven't even dated yet.

Clark: Oh, right. I forgot that bit. Lois, will you go out with me?

Lois: Yeah, okay.

Clark: W00T!


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.