One Super Date:

Lois: I wuv Superman. I wewwy wewwy do. *melts into a puddle of WAFFY goo*

Clark: Lois? Hello? Remember me? Your loving partner? Hello? Lo-is?

Lois: Go away, Clark. I'm daydreaming about Superman.

Clark: Argh! I can't take it anymore!

That night...

Superman: Hey, baby. I just thought I'd float down from the heavens to grant you the honor of taking me out to dinner.

Lois: OMG! Yes! I wuv you!

Superman: You know, I don't have any money. But I'm sure you won't mind paying for my dinner. After all, I am Superman.

Lois: Uhm... sure. You bet. I wuv you!

Superman: I know. Doesn't everybody? I'm Superman. I'll pick you up on Saturday.


Superman: Sorry I'm late. I'm Superman.

Lois: No problem. I wuv -

All of Metropolis: Look! Superman took that woman out on a date! Let's gossip about her as if she wasn't even here!

Lois: Well, that sucks.

Superman: It happens a lot. I'm Superman.

Lois: It's worth it to be with you. I wuv -

All of Metropolis: Superman, while you're sitting here doing nothing in particular, can we have your autograph?

Superman: Sure thing! I love my public! I'm Superman!

Lois: What about me? Your date? I wuv -

Superman: Sorry, gotta go save the day. I'm Superman. *woosh*

Three hours later:

Lois: That's it. I'm leaving! That was the -

Thug: Superman's date? I'm going to kidnap you.

*Lois beats him up*

Lois: - worst date ever! What a jerk! I'm never going out with him again!

Clark: Well, that solves that problem. Now she hates Superman. I'm a genius!

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.