Originally posted by Lara Joelle Kent:
Well, I did consider writing it, but shied away from the task because it was too much work. As a matter of fact, I still have the first two or three chapters on my hard drive...

Another thing I've been thinking about is Claire's Superwoman disguise. A wig might not work so well, as it would easily come off if she flies too fast. However, what if she wears her hair really long, like down to her knees, usually open or partially open? As Superwoman, she could wear her hair as a braid, most of which could be hidden in a pouch in the cape.
The methods Supergirl uses in my latest Supergirl story might be of interest. It's my feeling that there are very few people so unique that they don't have some doubles, and one way to make people discount the resemblance is to lamplight it - e.g. someone who says "Do you think this hairstyle makes me look like Superwoman?" is probably not Superwoman, however much she looks like her.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game