Yes, jojo, I do have some ideas and have even written a bit, but I have to finish my other story first.

Here's a little bit of what I've written. It hasn't been edited yet.

They had been to town to pick up a few things for the farm and were now on their way back home. The day was quiet and sunny and they were having a lovely conversation. As they listened to Patsy Cline on the radio they noticed a sudden streak rage across the sky. It came so close to the truck that the driver nearly wrecked but he was able to regain control of the truck at the last moment.

"Jonathan! Stop the truck! Did you see that?"

"Did I *see* that?! Of course I did. It almost caused me to drive off the side of the road."

"I said stop the truck. You obviously didn't see what I saw."

"Okay, okay already. Don't get your panties in a wad. I know something came out of the sky and it almost hit the truck. What the heck? Do you think that was some satellite or something?"

"Maybe. Whatever it was, I saw it land." Martha pointed. "There, in Shuster's (ck spelling) field." She got out of the truck and started running toward to object."

"Now, Martha. Wait a minute. We don't know what that is."

"I'm going, Jonathan. And that's it!"

When Jonathan caught up to her, she was picking up something. She turned to him and said, "Look, Jonathan it's a baby. Will you look at these big ole' beautiful brown eyes."

"Well, we can't keep him."

"Why not? If someone thought so little of this baby to shoot him into space then why should we report this. This was meant to be Jonathan. I feel it in my bones. This baby was sent to us. Oh, my, Jonathan. This little one just wet all over the place."

"Well, what do you want me to do about that. Isn't that what babies do?"

"I'm just saying that because we are going to need some diapers. I'm sure I've got something I can use at home as a temporary fix for this, but after you take me to the house you are going to have to go back to town. We need some diapers and rubber pants, and some baby t-shirts and some bottles and formula. Oh, I'll have to make you a list. Oh, and you are going to have to do something with that... that... thing they had him in. You get the truck and bring it over here and I'll help you get it in the back of the truck."

As he knew there was no sense argueing with Martha Clark Kent, he complied with her wishes. When he pulled up beside the spaceship, she lay the baby in the seat. Then she helped Jonathan put the ship in the truckbed. Then they quietly drove back to the farm.

When they arrived back at the farmhouse, Martha smiled and said, "Well, I guess we'll have to unload that thing before you go to town. Then we can figure out what to do with it later." They quickly unloaded the spaceship then walked into the house.

"He's awful quiet Martha. Is that normal?"

"Some babies are quieter than others. This one's just takin' in the sites."

"Oh. Well make me that list so I can go to town. What are we gonna tell folks?"

"Oh, we'll say he is the illegitimate child of my cousin. Give me a couple of those good linen dish towels."

"What for?"

"I'm going to use them for a diaper until you bring some home."

"Now, Martha, you can't do that."

"Would you rather me use one of your undershirts?" He handed her the good dish towels. She smiled. "Well, Jonathan, youv'e been calling this little one a him but she's not a him."

After she changed the baby, Martha quickly wrote down a list of the most necessary items. "Now you be thinking about a name on your way to town. You might want to fetch Ethan or ask him to come as soon as possible."

"Ethan? Is the baby sick?"

"No, but I believe he'll help us with the birth certificate."

"Oh. Doc Ethan's a good man."


When Jonathan returned, he found Martha in the rocking chair singing to their new daughter. "Martha, I got the stuff you needed. She must be pretty hungry. Ethan said he'd stop by this evening."

"Did you tell him why?"

"No. I just told him we needed to talk to him. I couldn't think of a name one, Martha, except Clark for your maiden name and we can't name a girl Clark."

"Well, how about Claire? That's a good solid name."

"Yes, I think you're right, Martha. It seems to fit. She sure is beautiful, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is Jonathan. Yes, she is."

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~