Rona said:
Because once upon a time, Lois slammed the door in Clark's face. Now Plois isn't even thinking about door-slamming.
Lois slammed the door in Clark's face on the show because she panicked about what was going to happen if things worked out. It was Clark's steady devotion that convinced her to give him another shot (and, of course, the threat of imminent nuclear destruction).

In this story she knows exactly what the future holds. She's got proof that Clark's kisses leave her weak in the knees and that they're both still very much in love (courtesy of Clark's own words and Perry's corroborating interview). Knowing that flusters her at the same time that it intrigues her. She likes the idea of being there for Superman, and couldn't stop staring at Clark in a tight t-shirt, but immediately poured the pot of water down the sink rather than risk feeding him pasta. It's not exactly a door slam, but it was a way to put on the brakes and gave her a chance to retreat upstairs and reconsider her reconsiderations.

My thanks to Carol, sjp, Rona, Vicki, Brenda, Iolan, grinch, James and Artemis (whew - just typing all those names gave me warm fuzzies laugh ) for nudging me along. I promise to include the first version at the bottom of the story (be gentle!). I'm hoping to have some time this afternoon to polish the rough edges and post.

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis