
I just found this story and read through all 6 parts in one sitting. I am in awe! hail A major requirement for me when reading fanfic is that the protagonists be in character, which is one of the reasons I always jump at a Sue S. fic. And this current fic does not disappoint. Not only does Plark act and sound as I would expect Clark to, he acts and sounds as I would expect second season Clark to. Ditto for Plois, Flark, and Flois - all in character for the season they represent. Which is pretty cool when you think about it, and certainly makes the story that much more enjoyable.

While I was reading, it never once occurred to me that it might be a form of adultery to be with your past/future spouse. I asked my husband his thoughts on this. ("Honey, if time travel existed, and the you of 1995 came to the present, and I slept with you, would the current you be jealous?" "Wh..what?") Anyway, he agreed with me. That said, I do understand the part about their past selves not being married yet, so I guess you could argue either way on this one.

Looking forward to part 7.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster