Carol - Oh, I'd feel guilty taking those cookies. Especially when I can see that you've posted the next part of Shaken. <slinks away to go read>

Brenda - I just hope RL doesn't interfere with your writing. I'm thrilled you took some time out to write me - it certainly made my day. smile I'm glad the characters seem true to you (and that compliment means the world when it's coming from a writer I admire).
What Lois wouldn't fall in love with Clark when she can see his true self; honest, open, confident ... and Superman! She is a gonner.
Heh. Good. wink
Flark really needs to let Plois know how much he wants her and appreciates her attempts to comfort him. Has he forgotten that this is S2 Lois? There's only so much rejection she can take.
Here's the thing about Flark - he's not being obtuse. He's making a deliberate choice to try and be the Clark she knew three years earlier - the guy who adores her but isn't going to push her into anything (and I elaborate on this a little more below when answering Vicki).

AnKS - Hey! Another reader I've missed! I'm glad that you're paying attention and wondering who Wells was talking to at the beginning. I left it vague on purpose. <evil cackle>

Oh Vicki! You deleted before I could reply! I did read your comments earlier today and I greatly appreciated your musings. You touched on one thing that does factor into the next part - which is that Flois has fewer reservations about getting close with Plark. The main reasoning I had for going in that direction was that Flois knows that Plark has loved her all along and is ready (and even longing) for her to feel and return the love and trust he has to give. Flark, on the other hand, knows that Plois has to be able to trust him and be comfortable with him before he can advance their relationship.

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis