Here's the thing about part 7. Remember how I explained that I only had betas for the first few parts of this story? The snippets that became parts 6-8 have only been read by one other person and they were grossly unformed at the time. The more I read the beginning of part 7 (on which, I think, a lot of the Flois/Plark plot hangs), the sketchier it felt to me. So I pulled it from part 6 because that would give me a day or two to think about it. But after a couple of days of thinking about it (and maybe this is the medication talking), I started second-guessing myself. So now I have two versions, the original and the one I rewrote. So, long explanation short, once I can decide (to paraphrase Vicki paraphrasing Clark) just how close they get, I'll post. I'm hoping for this afternoon, but I don't want to promise anything.

So, Rona, is it a staring contest? Because I'm pretty good at those. Especially in my current, slightly drugged, state. :p

(and maybe it's worth noting that feedback always spurs me to write faster and the lack of it... not so much)

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis