Ah ha - the feedback fairy visited me and left gifts! thumbsup

cp33 - If your heart is already breaking, we're both in big trouble. laugh

sjp - How did Lois resist him in nothing but a towel? I think it's because she's still trying to get used to the fact that, someday, he's going to be her husband and there's still the residual shock of knowing that he's Superman. Once she gets used to hanging around him, maybe she won't be as shy…

Iolan - Good to see you again! I loathe the clone arc, so Flark was quoting me directly when he said, "Look, Lois, it was a mess. The whole thing was a mess from start to finish. ...if I could change anything about the past, I would change that." wink

Laura - Be assured that this is going where you hope it's going. Or, at least, there are alternate parts that go there. After I got done considering all the possibilities there were a couple that were just too much fun not to try.

Artemis - Heh, you're right. What if they never go back? Then again, what if they do?

Bellarata - Thanks! I think they're all four adorable when they're confused. wink

Ann - Ah ha, someone did notice that the past hasn't changed for Flark. Would you believe I actually have a reason for that? Ask me again later. <g> I'm glad you're enjoying the UST, because there's plenty more where that came from.

Grinch - You're absolutely right - all versions of L/C are incomplete right now. And you've touched a little on why some of them are that way. Are you hacking my hard drive? :p

Huge, HUGE thanks to everyone for sticking with me. I appreciate the comments and nudges more than you could possibly realize. It's going to take me a day or two to rework the parts since I split this one, but once it's cohesive again, I'll post part 7.

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis