Hi Sue! Sorry I'm so late with feedback, but as predicted, RL is crowding my fandom time. grumble

I really enjoyed this chapter (although to get the Flois/Plark teaser, I could have waited a bit :p ). I agree wholeheartedly with those that have said all the Loises and Clarks are behaving in-character - and you do it with so few words. Take this for instance:
"How are you?" Perry asked solicitously as he shut the door.

"Fine," Lois answered with a big, bright grin.

Perry's eyes narrowed and he gave her an assessing look. "Uh, huh," he said, clearly not believing her.
So we get in-character S2 Lois with the "big, bright grin" and Perry (who is pretty much the same no matter which season). Fabulous!

That couldn't be right. Clark had been specific, to the day, about when they got married and now here was proof that he had shaved off at least half a year. Why was he lying about that? Where had she been for over two months?
I loved that Plois is piecing together their history by looking at the publication date of her past articles. I'm a little surprised that she didn't check out the period after October 6th. If she had, she would have seen the 2-week gap when neither of them had quite made it to Hawaii. laugh

It's been quoted already, but the conversation in the kitchen while Clark is making dinner is wonderful. What Lois wouldn't fall in love with Clark when she can see his true self; honest, open, confident ... and Superman! She is a gonner.

And, OH! that kiss... /fans self. Too bad Clark ran off so soon. It had serious potential...

I feel bad for Plois - she's trying so hard to fit into the life of her future self. I was going to say she was playing a part, but I don't think that's the case. She's attempting to *be* Flois and that detail has managed to slip by Flark. Once a lunkhead, always a lunkhead, eh? *He* thinks she's playing and doesn't understand that she really, really wants her future life (even if she's still a little freaked out by it).

"Great," he answered. She glanced at him, then away, her cheeks coloring. Again, he mentally kicked himself for freaking her out by over-sharing.
This ending made me feel so sad. Flark really needs to let Plois know how much he wants her and appreciates her attempts to comfort him. Has he forgotten that this is S2 Lois? There's only so much rejection she can take.

I would like to point out that I've posted since you have and it's been more than 24-hours. Where's part 7? /insert Lois icon here - arms folded and foot tapping impatiently.