It came across very clearly, even though it wasn't stated outright, that Lois knew. First, it was in her character to know. She has a way of taking a conglomaration of unrelated facts and intuitively leaping to the truth. She had enough information to do that. Secondly, she acted as if she knew. She wouldn't have given up so much to protect them from a bizarre story in a forgettable tabloid; however, she might have protected them from the unthinkable, that is having a life-altering secret exposed.

If you want to write the story with the assumption that Lois doesn't know then you need to fill in the blanks of her thinking process a lot more. In my opinion, it wouldn't be as strong of a story as it is now.

Perhaps you can write it as if she knows and then, if you write a sequel, have her later reject that knowledge knowing that it is unfathomable that a small-town editor is really an alien who's been walking among us forever.

who really enjoyed the story. It's just the rejection of the feedback that I don't get.