Never let it be said that I can resist a challenge, especially one that I know most of the answers (and those I didn't, Elisabeth knew)

"Did you know he has an eidetic memory? Remembers *everything*. Do you know why he got a 'B' in biology in high school? The only 'B' on his high school transcript."

Couldn't disect the frog and set them free

"Do you know what his birth parents left him?"

the Globe

"What his adopted mom left him? What she left *me*?"

Letters, the farm, and instructions with Wayne to get a car

"What his biggest fear is?"

Being disected like a frog.

"What his biggest secret is?"

He's an alien

"His most valued possession?"

The globe/mother's letters

"What the last thing his parents said to each other before they went to bed was or the last thing his mom said to him every night when she tucked him in?"

I have loved you since the beginning and I will love you until the end.

"Do you know who he took to his senior prom or why?"

Rachel and they agreed since they were children.

"And I bet you also have no idea what he sounds like when he sings in the shower;

why he hates planes;
Cause he can fly himself.

or how much he actually works out to keep that body you're just dying to get your hands on.
He doesn't.

You have no idea where the last place he was truly happy was

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!