There were so many things I liked about this chapter!

First, I loved how Clark was there for Lois when she had her nightmare - and for the rest of the night, too! He held her gently but safely, tenderly and undemandingly, and he kept vigil over her all through the night. That was just wonderful.

As for Clark's sadistic fantasies - I could sympathize, but I didn't read that part so carefully. Let me say that I'm glad that Clark would only fantasize about these horrible things, but never carry any of them out. On the other hand, I love that he is so protective of Lois.

"Hey," he said softly. "How're you feeling?"

She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands. "Better, I think."

"Good." He glanced at the clock. "I think you got about 7 or 8 hours of sleep since..." he trailed off.

"Since the nightmare?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah. That pasta was a long time ago."

"Pancakes? With bacon and eggs?"

"That sounds good."

"Lucy's asleep upstairs. Do you want to take a shower or...?"

She shook her head. "No. Think I'll just watch you make breakfast."

He smiled and swung his feet over the side of the bed. "Sounds like a plan." He headed towards the kitchen.


He stopped and turned to look at her. "Yeah?"

"Thank you," she said softly.

He smiled. "It's what I'm here for."
I loved their morning conversation, and I loved that she thanked him.

And then there was that letter from Mayson. I'm very glad that Lois was there when Clark found it, and that it prompted him to tell her about the times that he had not been honest with her. Because then he could tell her that he had been honest about everything else, and certainly about everything that concerns Mayson. I'm very glad that Lois read Mayson's letter to Clark.

From everything you've said and not said I know that she doesn't love you.'

"'Not like I do.'"

Lois' voice broke. "'There I said it. I love you, Clark. I think I always have. And I know she doesn't. Don't ask me how I know that, but I do.
I think it was good for Lois to read these lines from Mayson. I think she needs to ask herself how she really feels about her husband. Does she love him? Actually, yes, I think she does, but she is not quite ready to acknowledge it. But I think that she may be more willing to admit that she does love Clark when she knows that there are others who are willing to love him if she doesn't. Not that I think she doubts Clark or truly fears that he would leave her for another, not anymore, but she still needs to think about how she herself feels about him.

By the way, I'm glad that Clark told her this:

He stared at his hands. "When Aunt Louise told you in her letter to tell me that she was still right, I wasn't completely honest with you about what she meant."

He saw a tear streak down her face.

"What she was talking about was something she told me the day we got married. After you got in the car before we left for the hotel, she gave me a hug and said that someday you'd love me like I loved you; that we'd make it out of the platonic part of our marriage and on to a better place. That you'd wear whatever it is that she gave you, and I'd know."
And Lois didn't seem to feel uncomfortable about being told this. I don't think she is ready to give her virginity to Clark anytime soon, not the next night or week or month, but I do think that the idea of fully sharing herself with Clark is slowly growing on her.

I loved that Lois and Clark went to see Mayson together. I also loved what Lois told Mayson, every bit of it. Mayson needed to hear it. Like Clark said, if Lois hadn't told her so bluntly, Mayson may still not have taken the hint.

But I also loved the fact that Lois apologized afterwards. Yes, Mayson probably needed to hear exactly what Lois told her, but Lois also needed to acknowledge that she she was sorry that she had been so excessively harsh. I really like the idea that Mayson could be a potential ally in Lois and Clark's fight against Professor Paul. For that matter, I wouldn't necessarily mind if Lois could be some sort of friends with Mayson - at least so that she and Clark can have lunch with Mayson, all three of them!

This remains an absolutely engrossing story.
