Whoa, definitely a heavy and multifaceted post!

I really enjoyed Clark's musings as he remained in bed guarding Lois's dreams. He went from torturing Paul (understandably) to dreaming up stories about princesses and princes. That was undeniably sweet.

Then moving onto Lois and the letter - that was great stuff. From Clark's sudden admission of the only time he hadn't been totally forthcoming to Lois's quiet tears; everything was just perfect. The emotions were real, the situation terribly complicated and complex, yet justified and natural. After everything that has happened, it felt like this was just one situation out of a thousand that Lois could claim some control over, so it was totally believable that Mayson got the brunt of the venting.

That said, I was surprised, yet not surprised, at the extent Lois went to during her rant - regarding the intimacy of their relationship. I agree that she needed to go there, if she hadn't it would have been suspect. I loved that Clark silently stood by and let Lois have her say even when he was uncomfortable. It will interesting to see what is said at the meeting with Mayson and if anything can be salvaged for a possible... professional relationship, maybe?

Great part, Carol!

October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles