thumbsup Whoot! I still feel a little sorry for Mayson, honestly. But it was so nice to see Lois standing up for her man and her marriage!

"I pissed off and humiliated a potential witness."


"She's a part of this. She has no idea but she's a part of this. The allegations about the two of you... She's probably going to be asked about it officially at some point – by the cops and probably Cat and what I just did..."
I would hope that Mayson’s at least decent enough to be able to put the Clark/Lois thing aside and do the right thing. Lying in this case would be bad on so many levels, from morally, to the fact that she’s pursing a career in law (isn’t she? I think. I don’t have it in me to go look it up right now).

"Because I want to apologize. I'm sorry. I shouldn’t have gone off on you like that and I'm sorry that I did." She rubbed at her cheeks with her fingers trying to erase the tear tracks. She felt Clark put his arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to him. "It's no excuse, but I've had a... very difficult couple of days and I snapped. You bore the brunt of that because you were there and convenient. I'm not going to apologize for coming to see you or for defending my marriage, but I went a bit overboard and..."
I’m really glad to see Lois apologize here. Yes, she had every right to defend her marriage, and I’m very proud of her for that, but she was just a *little* brutal toward Mayson. However, I hope she’s apologizing because she legitimately feels that way, and not just to influence Mayson’s convictions on how she’d testify if needed.

Mayson thought then nodded. "Okay. I'm probably a fool for doing this, but okay. Where do you want to go?"
Oh, I’m really looking forward to seeing this conversation!

Aaaand... thud There's my long feedback penance for being so skimpy last time.

Great section, Carol!

ETA: I completely agree with James. This story has got to be a shoo-in for a Kerth next year (unless you do something really evil at the ending).