With every sigh, the air was escaping his body little by little, and if she kept it up, he’d probably lose so much air that he’d just sag to the pavement like an empty balloon.

That would teach her, he thought, picturing the sorry, saggy little puddle of Clark-clothes on the sidewalk.

“Then you should have negotiated for that a long time ago. There was nothing in our marriage vows about you getting to gripe.”
Hahaha... That’s so Lois.

“Fine. Don’t do it. You can help me pick out a Santa costume, and I’ll find someone else to be my elf.”
Hey, I got to be Santa’s elf once - and dressed in a Girl Scout costume to boot. It’s not so bad, Lois! (Especially if Clark is Santa.) It’s a shame that I don’t have that episode of Frazier on DVD so I could do a screen shot...

Some of the other Santas have told me that the cheaper ones can chafe... you know, in places guys don’t like to be chafed.
Hehe... And the super suit wouldn’t chafe (if the guy wearing it wasn’t super...)?

“I think I might like you better in this than in that concubine costume you wore that time.”

“Um, why don’t I let you two look around a bit?” The shop girl edged away from them. “Just... take whatever time you need. The dressing room is back there.” She nodded in the direction of a door and then practically ran to the front of the store.

“Nice touch,” Lois told him, once the girl was gone. “Didn’t think you had it in you.”
Yes, it was a nice touch, Clark!

Well, this writing style is surely familiar to me... but I can’t quite put my finger on it. But this:
She put her hand protectively over the slight swelling of her abdomen.
made me think of Tank. Would he fool us like that? (Nah, I really don’t think Tank wrote it.)

‘naughty elf.’”
This grammar gave me a clue. The writer is not likely from Britain or trained in British English.

I loved the sense of humor in this story! It was great. I think I have this narrowed down to a couple of authors. But like Lara said:

This is hard because I see a few possible authors. There are obvious clues along the way that seem to point to several different people and I'll betcha whoever wrote it did all that on purpose!!
So I could be really wrong! I’ve already mentioned Tank, but I think some one (maybe even Tank) is trying to throw us off track. I thought at first it could be Lara Moon, but would she really mention Batman in a fic where she didn’t want anyone to guess? But she could have still mentioned him to throw us off. In the end, though, I don’t think Lara wrote it either. My thoughts are leaning towards Caroline (even if she did tell us she didn’t know who wrote it).

Then again, the Batman/Bruce reference could also be a red herring – the author wants us to think it’s Lara.
Ah, but Lara isn’t the only one that’s written Bats into her stories! I can think of a handful right off the top of my head.

A holiday story with a pregnant Lois? SERIOUSLY??? Whatever makes you guys think I'd write that? Or am I just that devious?
Devious. And I bet you could copy a lot of people’s style... But I don’t think you wrote it.

Great story!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~