Just read this story. And loved it. Lois as a naughty elf is priceless. But Lois fearing to be unable to talk to her own child - what with her babble gene and all - is even better.

About the author... I've got no idea. Sure, there is a Batman reference (again), but that seems a little out-of-place, put in there to confuse us. So, I don't think it's Lara. One of her betas, though... That's a thought. That narrows down the field to... Sue, DJ, CatBruce and I don't know who else.

Then, of course, it's obvious that there was a dirty mind at work. The elf who sleeps with the boss, indeed! Unfortunately, that hint doesn't quite narrow down the field, quite the contrary. huh

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)