Hahaha, no one has even thought of my guess and it is making me doubt it now.

I don't think it is any of the people you guys mention.

Come on:

Snarky banter between Lois and Clark that verges on naughty.

Hilarious dialogue like this:

Clark sighed again. He’d sighed so many times since they had left the newsroom that he thought he might be deflating. With every sigh, the air was escaping his body little by little, and if she kept it up, he’d probably lose so much air that he’d just sag to the pavement like an empty balloon.

An empty balloon wearing a business suit and glasses.

That would teach her, he thought, picturing the sorry, saggy little puddle of Clark-clothes on the sidewalk.
“Whatever.” She waved a hand carelessly in the air, nearly knocking the hat off of a little old lady who was passing by. Clark shot the woman an apologetic glance as Lois went on. “You should have put a griping clause into your vows.”
She sounded more businesslike now, probably ready to get the couple with the costume fetish out of her shop.
He grinned. “Is this a trick question? Because you had me at ‘naughty elf.’”
I can spot Sue's Lois and Clark a mile away. Even if she does hide them in married couples, pregnant Lois, and Batman references. And if it isn't... they did an excellent job of throwing me off their track and I applaud them. Cause I laughed my butt off at this one. Just perfect.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!