Thanks LabRat! I'm glad to hear it brightened your afternoon. smile And thanks for editing the story for me! I hope you'll like the other two as well. They're even shorter than that one was. wink

As for baby Clark in that yellow towel with his butt peeking out - am I the only sad individual who momentarily translated that image in my head to an adult Clark for a second or two before adjusting it to match the story? I had to turn the desk fan up a notch or two.
Had not occured to me - but now that you mention it, it's odd how the room temperature just suddenly seems to have gone up!

As for making your way through the alphabet - well Pam had to, so no reason you should get away with it! laugh
Mystery writer Sue Grafton has an alphabetic novel series going for her fictional detective Kinsey Milhone. It started with "A is for Alibi" and the most recent published title was "S is for Silence." They're almost as good as these stories.
Yeah, but... if it's already been done...

Oh, no, please don't send pointy stick men at me!!

So, you have a little more left to do, Lara. Do try to keep up, won't you?
I have titles for stories that go all the way to 'K' - ideas is another matter, though. Wait and see. wink (the operative word being 'wait' here... btw...) Although, you guys should know, the more you ask for new stories in this series, the less time I have to concentrate this other story I mentionned in which Lois isn't galactically stupid - but *Clark* is. I really wouldn't mind writing that. (oh, and before you ask, I work two jobs and barely ever sleep as it is, so NO, I do not have more free time to write! *lol*)

Nancy - if you missed Ring of Truth, then believe me, you haven't really missed much. The begining was great, then it went sour and the end seriously sucked!! And as for the crossover, I'm thinking 'Back in Black' if you recall that. Was there another that I spoke of? I don't even remember!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies