smile Thank you!

You know what? It just so happens I noticed the very last line of "Blind... as a Bat!" which says:

And she'd enjoy every second of his confession, she thought with a sly smile.

So I guess I owe her a confession. The things we do to keep our characters happy, I tell you! *lol*

Don't all start doing the happy dance just yet, though. I have other stories in my head that I need to get out first or I'll forget them. Really too bad I don't own a pensieve...


Darcy, I'm glad you liked it! smile

And Nancy, I hope you'll be back. hehehe!

Barbara - I'm not sure about 8 or 9... I can try... If I hadn't already done the actual revelation yet, I might have said "hey what the hell, I can shoot for 42" but... you know...

Ann - thanks! He really is awwww! in that yellow towel. Trust me, he's so adorable it's beyond words. (in *my* head, anyway!)

Thanks guys! Love ya!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies