I'm not through yet, but I have to tell you how much I love this bit:
Clark gave her a look of concern. "Lois? Are you OK?" he asked, getting up and hurrying over to her. It had just occurred to him that he could very well be the one to blame for her sudden malaise. He had kissed Lois mere minutes after having inhaled a 100% solution of "Revenge"... How much of it could have been left on his breath? What sort of effect could this have had on her? How could he have been so careless?

And this bit:
And obviously, I'm not Wonder Woman...
Will we get the pic? Please?

Over the next few days, while the sight of Clark Kent unfailingly made Lois weak in the knees, the sight of Superman, however, kept throwing her into a fit of giggles. She could simply not get the baby picture out of her mind! Other reporters soon started asking why Lois kept laughing and why it seemed to embarrass Superman to such a degree that he always fled the scene at super-speed. Lois had served them some ridiculous story about having witnessed Superman, who, wanting to help an old woman across a street, had been hit over the head by the lady's handbag, startled and scared as she was at the sight of this unknown man in an odd ski suit and a cape. They hadn't really bought it at all, but it was all Lois would say and they knew better than to ask Superman himself.

While she no longer finds anything even remotely funny about seeing Superman, to this day, Lois Lane most definitely still feels a little weak in the knees at the sight of Clark Kent.
Just give me your address, and I'm going to do just that! (Okay, I'm kidding. The shipping would be much more expensive than the actual chocolate. What a waste!)
Well, how about this: [Linked Image]

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)