Do we get hot little love scenes because of this pheromone kiss (as I’ve been told happened in ‘some’ other story)?
If you're talking about Smallville, here... I will say only this: I am so pissed that they had Lois recognize Clark after kissing him. It's the second time I write something only to find they have it on the show the week right after. Makes me look like I copied off them again. BLAH.
laugh I was actually referring to Merry Christmas, Lois Lane... But I think you posted this before Crimson, didn’t you? (I guess like they say though - great minds think alike. I’ve seen DJ do very Smallville like things and she doesn’t watch it.)

Ring Of Truth
Did I miss that one?

I have about 10 paragraphs written for one of those. I put it away because I thought it sucked. I might try and see if I can save it, sometime.
It seems like there was another crossover story you were going to do, wasn’t there?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~