smile Thanks guys! Having an awful night (well, it was nice until about an hour ago - I hate getting the call to do tech support at 9PM! *sigh) anyway... thanks for the comments, it really cheered me up!!

Thanks Jessi for starting an fdk thread again. smile ...and for writing the comments fast enough that I could read them before I left the office. Totally worth missing my usual bus and having to take the super long route instead. laugh

This simultaneously makes me squeal at the sheer cuteness (I can just *see* the picture) and roll on the floor from laughter.
hehe - now you know how I feel!

And yeah, Lex must have thought she'd gone off her rocker. But who really cares what Lex thinks? Don't you know - I'm in the "I hate Lex Luthor" fan club. wink

and that eyesore of a tie.
Is it that blue one with the... the... loaves of bread or whatever we finally decided it might be? XD
Right episode, wrong tie... But you know... that would be my favorite eyesore, so let's say that's the one. *lol*

Yep, yep, found a way to insert the whole bit of dialog about the superheroes. Glad I did, too, cause I thought it was rather amusing. smile

As for the "weak at the knees" bit - you know... just the though of *those arms* and I'll be useless for a good few minutes, so really... hehe!

Waves @ Lisa. goofy Send some over and we'll talk. *lol*

Thanks again for the comments. Love 'ya!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies