Thanks guys. I'm glad you had a good laugh. He really looks nothing like Clark, though... I could have done a lot better. *sigh*

Do we get hot little love scenes because of this pheromone kiss (as I’ve been told happened in ‘some’ other story)?
If you're talking about Smallville, here... I will say only this: I am so pissed that they had Lois recognize Clark after kissing him. It's the second time I write something only to find they have it on the show the week right after. Makes me look like I copied off them again. BLAH.

Okay, she has found out that Clark is Superman in Pheromone, My Lovely. So what happens now in Honeymoon in Metropolis? Oh, please, you really must write that.
I have ideas for two more vignettes. Including one that is mostly about Batman. Mind you, my head really isn't into writing at this time, so I'm not sure when you'll get those - but the ideas popped into my head last night and I've written them down in my notebook, so I won't forget them and I'll work on them eventually.

This being said, none of these 2 happen during HiM. On the other hand, I've got plans to fix the mess I made of Ring Of Truth - which was in HiM - and it's most definitely going to turn into an nfic, so you'll definitely be reading some HiM from me. wink

hehe... Does he have more than one bottom?
Sorry, I got lost in translation there, I guess. I'll go fix it. smile

I like Clark’s ties!!!
So do I. wink It's Lois who doesn't. Then again, now that she knows they are *Superman's* she might like them? LOL

I want a story where Clark meets that spider kid who clings to walls....
I have about 10 paragraphs written for one of those. I put it away because I thought it sucked. I might try and see if I can save it, sometime. smile

I'm not Wonder Woman.
Definitely not, but we sure got a great pic...
I wonder if I should say that I'm working on a virtual Clark? One that looks like him and has a texture that's... well... him... That makes me look really geeky and crazy, doesn't it? Yeah, thought so. If my real life wasn't so pathetic, I might not be trying to create a virtual doll to play with...

That vision is just so funny! So does Clark know why she is really laughing?
Oh yeah. He knows. I might write about that...

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies