Very funny, Lara, very funny! My mother told me, when I was dating the woman who is now my wife, that she had once had a picture of me at age one or so, naked on a bearskin rug, and that I, as a six-year-old, had found the picture and destroyed it out of shame.

I really don't remember doing that, but then, I don't remember much about being six, so I bought it. If that photo with the yellow towel was as embarrassing as I imagine it to be, I'm surprised it survived Clark discovering his heat vision.

So, when is the next chapter going up? Let's see, "D," hmm, what about "Details, details, details," the story of Clark and Lois learning to hide his dual identity as they try to keep Lucy from learning the real truth about Clark. Sound okay to you?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing