Ah. Thanks jwb and Ann for the clarification. I love both types of plots, I guess, so I hope I can satisfy both of them in DD...

I understand your frustration about Lois, jwb, but I also feel for her. I mean, she can't tell anyone about what has happened--not even Melinda. After what she's been through she should be an emotional wreck--and she is, but she's refusing to let herself hurt and *feel* by clamping down and being very, very, very focused on just one or two things. She wasn't lying when she told Clark (as Superman) that her only reality was him. After the horror, she disconnected herself to anything but her lifeline--Superman--and now she's having trouble coming back to life. As a consequence, everything is getting pushed to the side--even herself, let alone her partner, who seems like he's just *trying* to be annoying, in her mind. His troubles are the least of her troubles, right now.

Chapter 33 should be up within a half an hour or so...
