Okay...I cannot believee that you just left us hanging here! Maybe I can!

“Don’t worry, Clark,” Lois said, whispering herself, though she wanted to kick herself from falling into the he’s-whispering-so-I-am-whispering trap. She leaned in slightly, actually bumping his arm with her own. “Just don’t, you know, do anything…sssstupid, okay?” she emphasized, and hoped he picked up the hint.

Clark looked at her blankly at that, and Lois sighed, wishing she had her hands to gesture her meaning. “You know…no, well, super stuff, okay?”

Clark stiffened at her words, his eyes widening as he pulled away and stared at her. “What?” his whisper was almost harsh.

Did Lois know?

Lois wanted to scream. Was the man really that dense? She had enough to worry about without having to deal with a terrified tagalong who couldn’t see a brick wall if he ran into it!

She leaned in, speaking even softer into his ear, and her warm breath brushed against the side of his neck. “Don’t you dare call him, Clark.”

She saw his brow smooth at his words and the smallest bit of color came back into his cheeks—probably from embarrassment, Lois thought. “Oh. Of—of course, Lois.”
I thought Lois had figured him out here. I was halfway hoping that she had. Why don't he just tell her, een though I cannot stand the fact that she is so condescending toward Clark and treats his kindness as weakness.

“Finally, there’s something we found of Superman’s that I think he might want,” McPheron said, standing.
What is it exactly that McPheron has that belongs to Superman?

Get back here girl! hail

I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.