Beautifully written as always, Rachel. Even so, you'll have to forgive me for not quoting. This story is bringing back all my years of frustration at Clark's lies to Lois, and Lois's contempt of Clark. Gaaaaahhh! I want to shake them both!!

But I love your brave Lois, the Lois who will protect Clark even if she despises him (which I so wish she wouldn't do). Then again, Clark, as in Clark, hasn't given her too many reasons to love him, has he?

Horrible A-plots don't inspire enthusiastic reviews from me. Ah, Rachel, if you only knew how many more or less horrible comic book stories I've had to endure just to get a smidgeon of romance out of them, a few panels of sweetness and tenderness and love between Superman and Lois.... No, I can't help it, I'm not an A-plot junkie. For all of that, I can see that your A-plot is splendid.

For now, though, I'm awaiting "better times", as we say in Swedish, better times between Lois and Clark. Please, Rachel?
