Hello, all! Thank you for all the reviews. They really help with the muses! It looks like this next chapter is going to quite certainly be done by early afternoon on Thursday, or perhaps even earlier, by the looks of things right now... <crosses fingers>

Now, to the reviews...

A general apology for the fact that Clark is still "grounded." I tell you, I was gnawing on my fingernails knowing the disappointment that would bring, but that was just how it demanded to be written. I hope you liked how it went anyway.

doublel wrote:
Geesh Lois, give the guy a break
Yeah. Poor Clark. Lois is scared, and when she's scared she armors up like a rhinoceros beetle, and in this case she's left Clark on the outside. Still, she *was* keeping an eye on him, at least.

Sheila wrote:
...Why won't he just tell her...?
He has tried to, once. In the elevator, remember? He's scared, but especially since getting back to Metropolis he hasn't had time to do *anything* really--not even talk. Hopefully things will be getting better in the L/C category soon...

TOC wrote:
For now, though, I'm awaiting "better times", as we say in Swedish, better times between Lois and Clark. Please, Rachel?
I like to take my time about things, guys. Sorry about the impatience and stuff with the revelation, but there you are. Thanks for sticking with this anyway (especially you, Ann!)! I promise, the nice, protective Lois from the earlier chapter is not gone, and soon she'll be showing her head. And even though Clark is scared, he's going to be popping out of his shell soon enough as well.

Just curious, though, Ann. What exactly is an A-plot?

Lady_Mirth wrote:
Ann, I usually agree with you about Clark lying to Lois, but I think his continued reticence to let her in on the secret is perfectly understandable here. He loves her, after all, and he feels himself to be less than a man at the moment. It was bad enough that she dismissed him as a coward when she'd seen him as Clark Kent, but to have to shatter her illusions of the superhero she loves would be the final blow for his extremely fraile ego right now.
I'm glad you understand, Lady Mirth! Poor Clark is terribly out of balance right now. I always hated the lying Clark myself, especially in normal canon of the comics and the movies where it doesn't even seem to *bother* him. Trust me, if I was reading this fic instead of writing it, I'd probably be right beside Ann ranting. I tried to iron that out as best as I could because of that, so I'm glad Clark is at least somewhat justified to some of you readers out there. I sympathize with the guy.

jo_jo_da_crow wrote:
Wow, I honestly think this was one of your better written chapters. You did a really great job on piecing it together. I hope you are happy with the product because I know as a reader I was.
Really? You liked it? To tell you the truth, even after three drafts, I think it was my least favorite chapters up to date (writing-style wise), even though all of the other chapters are literally first drafts and hot from the keyboard. To hear that it worked out all right for you makes me feel like those extra hours of rewrites were worth it. Thank you so much. That makes me feel about 100 times better!

G. Khun wrote:
Another great chapter!!! I'm very impressed with how you portray Clark's "post-traumatic" symptoms. It is heart wrenching and so believable. I'd sure like to see Lois find out Clark is Superman soon?? Keep up the good work! I check often for new chapters and when I find one it makes my day!!!
Thank you so much! It's been hard walking the "not too much, but still enough" line for Lois and Clark's emotional states, so I'm very glad to hear that it's working for you. I'm flattered that you check for updates...it makes me feel special to know I have people waiting out there!

Anyway, this is really long, so I'm going to go back and work on my next chapter. It's shaping up nicely, but as usual it's longer than I expect it to be (I usually shoot for around 3000 words), but I don't think you guys mind, hm? Hopefully not. I do remember having a warning about me being extremely verbous and chatty on the first chapter, though, so don't say you weren't warned!

Thanks again for all the reviews. They really do help a ton!

Have a great day, guys!
