All of Clark’s hopes and illusions crashed back down onto him as he found that his feet hadn’t lifted even an inch from off the firm ground beneath him.
AAAGGGGHHH! No! Death to Smirky!

Ahh, well. I'll live. I suspected this might happen. wink

God, they're both terrified. If only they could confide in each other.

Stop that, curse you, Lois snarled at the quivering girl in her head. She wouldn’t think about that now. Now, she was nothing. A machine of justice, with no past…


She didn’t see Clark there. She saw Superman, pressed against the wall as he tried to get away from the guards as if he could vanish against the white walls around him. His face was pale and terrified, his eyes blank with memories of his own.
Please, please, please???? You know what I'm asking for, Smirky.

Lois saw the motion and lifted her chin. “I’m not going anywhere without Clark.”
Thank God, she's still protecting him. I was afraid that she was so annoyed with him and so wrapped up in Superman that she'd might not worry about him so much.

Ok, I am breathing properly again. These guys may, *may* be ok. I may just live until you post 33.


lisa in the sky with diamonds