All of Clark’s hopes and illusions crashed back down onto him as he found that his feet hadn’t lifted even an inch from off the firm ground beneath him.
Arrgghh, I knew that would happen frown

We are not lovebirds, Lois wanted to snap, feeling a rise of fury at her partner, who was now no doubt quivering behind her. Right now, she wasn’t even sure if she felt much like even tolerating the man’s cowardice. She was too busy fighting her own terror to worry about Clark’s.
Geesh Lois, give the guy a break

Lois was surprised at the shock of pain that darted through her heart at the thought that they might have hurt him.
See deep down, you really do care...

Despite the serious circumstances, Lois was tempted to roll her eyes. Like Clark Kent could do anything to help her, but he was right about one thing—he’d be in big trouble if it weren’t for her.
She thinks smugly

Clark looked at her blankly at that, and Lois sighed, wishing she had her hands to gesture her meaning. “You know…no, well, super stuff, okay?”

Clark stiffened at her words, his eyes widening as he pulled away and stared at her. “What?” his whisper was almost harsh.

Did Lois know?

Lois wanted to scream. Was the man really that dense? She had enough to worry about without having to deal with a terrified tagalong who couldn’t see a brick wall if he ran into it!

She leaned in, speaking even softer into his ear, and her warm breath brushed against the side of his neck. “Don’t you dare call him, Clark.”

She saw his brow smooth at his words and the smallest bit of color came back into his cheeks—probably from embarrassment, Lois thought. “Oh. Of—of course, Lois.”
Good tease

Besides, this was Clark Smallville Kent, the innocent Boy Scout with wide blue eyes and an open expression. When Bureau 39 had nabbed him, it had been as bad as kidnapping a little kid. It was no surprise he was a bit shaken up. His whole world had been turned on end.
A gentle reminder that this is the classic clark. And yes, it does help with this story as pointed out in a previous post

The poor boy looked more the farm boy than ever, especially with his hair mussed the way it was and the smear of dirt over one chin from his struggle in the alleyway. She frowned at the memory of that. Nervousness from Kent was one thing—it was normal—but what had happened there was more than just nervousness—it had been downright, utter, complete fear, and had brought Kal-El’s face to mind faster than a speeding bullet. He had been in a sheer, blind panic.

Come on Lois! Wake Up!

“We want you to warn him, too,” McPheron continued. “This Boss of ours no doubt has a bone to pick with him, and has the means to do so.”

Kryptonite. The word hung between them, unspoken, yet clear.

“Finally, there’s something we found of Superman’s that I think he might want,” McPheron said, standing.
Hmmm, still not sure we should trust him. And who is the Big Boss???

Good chapter