Sweet, little, shy Lara? Well, of course, we are talking about Superman here.
Superman? No... *I* was talking about Clark. hehehehehe!

And 'ya know... I do get embarrassed reading some things, but that won't stop me from posting a little vignette in the nfic folder soon. Yep. Seriously. A little alternate scene from Reversal of Fortune - which by the way, Ann, if you're reading this: it's all your fault!

Laura - if I'd known your birthday was coming up so soon, I'd have gotten moving on the "whispers in the night" bit that you 'asked for'... You'll get it in the new year, though, I promise! Happy Birthday!

And Happy Birthday Jojo! smile

Ah, Lara, you're reading my mind! You know you can always email me (in stunning detail) your thoughts on that subject. Unless they include the freckle. Then you'll be in trouble.
I'm trying not to think of the freckle. My knees go weak when I do...
/me now has a dreamy look on her face - there goes work for today, I'm definitely not going to get any done, now.

What if I promise that they'll both be stupid/sane in the next part?
Then I will worship you until the ends of time - Goddess Sue, Guardian of the Secret of Really Hot Fic.
notworthy notworthy notworthy

And yet, never even once has Clark shown up to ravish me. So I'll just keep writing these stories until that happens. We may be here for a while...
As much as I'd wish for Clark to show up there for you (mind you, if he does, we'd like to share. Please?) I'm glad you'll be here for a while. Nothing pleases me more than to know I can look forward to more "Sue-fic". (yes, I could think of something that might, but we're in the PC folder. I know. *lol*)

Well... now that I know I'm not getting any work done here at all, I think I'll close the door and continue working on that vignette I mentioned. If only "those words" came to me as easily as the rest of it. *sigh*

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies